Patient Participation Group
Brown Clee Medical Practice – Patient Group
Our mission is: ‘to work with patients for the benefit of the Practice,
and with the Practice for the benefit of patients’
At the start of 2025, the Brown Clee Patient Participation Group (PPG) has 972 members, which is almost 25% of the patients registered with the Practice. Any patient over the age of 18 can join the PPG, by lodging an email address with us, or by joining the Facebook page.
Once a member you will receive regular updates about what is happening in the Practice, as well as invitations to meetings organised by the PPG where you will hear from Doctors, staff and others, and have the opportunity to ask questions and raise topics which you are interested in to be considered for future meetings.
There are 4 scheduled meetings a year including an AGM where reports are given on the year just ended, and a committee is elected for the new year. Meetings are kept to one hour long.
2025 is off to a good start. At the first meeting (7th January) the audience heard about plans from a PPG member to create a wellness garden in the grounds of the Ditton Priors building. Another patient member asked for volunteers to work with her on the development of a local support network for those who are bereaved or grieving.
You can choose to get involved …….. or you can just find out what is going on.! v Join the PPG email list – send an email to
v Telephone 07790 230038 and speak to Tina Ranson, Chair of the PPG
v To join the Facebook page: Find ‘Brown Clee Medical Practice – Patient Page’ and ask to join. This is a closed group and only patients or staff of the Practice will be allowed to join.
v Come to a PPG meeting – just turn up at the Ditton Priors Village Hall before 7.00 pm, or register your place in advance by contacting the PPG by email or telephone (above).
MEETING DATES FOR 2025 7th January, 1st April, 1st July, 7th October.
Email: Telephone: 01584 878707 Pick up a gold coloured leaflet from the Practice waiting room